
Showing posts from August, 2020

In depth study and devotional on the book of Philemon - by Corey

 In depth study and devotional on the book of Philemon  By Corey Audience and Occasion: This letter, both personal and corporate (v1-2) in nature was written by the Apostle Paul to Philemon, Apphia, Archippus, and the church that meets in Philemon’s house. It is believed that this was written during Paul’s Roman imprisonment (Acts 28) around AD 60-61. The purpose of this letter is for Paul to appeal to Philemon on behalf of a runaway slave, Onesimus, who escaped to Rome where he met Paul and was converted to Christianity (v10-11).   Introduction: Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon our beloved fellow worker and Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier, and the church in your house: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.   Based on the introduction we learn a few things: 1.       Paul is the author of this letter and his disciple Timothy is with h...

Philemon and Revelation 7:9 - by Rachel

  Philemon and Revelation 7:9 By Rachel Philemon and Onesimus.  Onesimus fled from his master.  He heard some bad news.  All have sinned.  He embraced the Good News. All who believe can be sons.  He believed.  He was adopted.  He returned to his master.  Barriers broken. Slave now a brother.  Servant now a co-heir. Brothers. Co-heirs.  Co-laborers on earth.  Living with the hope.  One day.  Worship together.  Around the throne.  Forever. 

Onesimus (Poem) by Mercy Samuel

  Onesimus  – A Runaway Slave  By Mercy Samuel We run away from people who define us We run away from fears that bind us We run away from those who abuse us Are we, the runaway, Onesimus?   Let’s meet Philemon’s slave, Onesimus Philemon thought he was, Oh! so useless, Paul adopted this slave as his own son It’s time for us to ponder on this one!   Paul’s letter to Philemon states, I heard your slave left in haste Why not forgive and let his debts go If he’s my son, he’s your brother too   When people say we are useless God declares, we are so priceless His favor rested on a runaway slave God’s love for us will always prevail

Reconciliation- by Ojit Laitonjam

  RECONCILIATION   by Ojit Laitonjam   When I read the book of Philemon and listened to pastor's sermon on it, a very distinct parallel picture came to my mind between Onesimus and me. Once I was a runaway slave just like Onesimus . But the difference was that Onesimus was a slave to his master Philemon and I was a slave to my  own sins. Onesimus met Paul in Rome,  received the gospel of Jesus Christ and became a new person. Paul appealed Philemon to receive Onesimus not as a slave but as a brother in Christ Jesus, as he received Paul himself.  In the course of time,  I came to meet my Saviour through the sharing of His Word. From that time onward I kept changing toward the Lord until my last sinful habit left me. Now,  I am no more a slave to my sins. I am a free man just like Onesimus who had been reconciled to Philemon his master. The Lord Jesus Christ paid for my sins on the cross to reconcile me to the father :  "I am send...

