The POPG Situation by Allan and Farida

 The POPG Situation

By Allan and Farida

Situation : Philemon

Understandably this Philemon was a rich person perhaps having a high standing in the society as well as in the commerce & industry community in the city of Colossae. Philemon had been converted and attained salvation through Paul owing to which Philemon should not forget the debts he owed to Paul.

Situation : Onesimus

Onesimus was engaged as a slave by Philemon (may be this term ‘slave’ has a different connotation then which perhaps is the equivalent of ‘hired professional’ in present day). Onesimus handled the business operations & transactions of his master - Philemon. Onesimus might have falsified the financial accounts and pilfered the stocks & assets of his master following which he fled to another country to avoid arrest and escape punishment (like the ‘Ones..’ that are still around today honing this kind of skill!). While in Rome he met Paul through whom he changed his heart and repented for his wrong deeds. After accepting Christ, he felt the working of God’s spirit in this heart & mind, thereby encouraging him to understand the need to right the terrible wrong he had committed. But Onesimus was scared to return to his master because he thought Philemon being a rich and influential person could punish and subject him to penal actions as per laws prevailing then in Colossae, but he knew God was with him. Perhaps it was God’s plan that Onesimus deserted for a certain period so that he might be eternally saved Both Philemon and Onesimus have been eternally saved through Paul

Situation: Paul

Paul would like to keep Onesius with him, yet he felt that the right way to do was to send him back to his master, and likewise Philemon would be happy for Onesimus to stay in Rome with Paul. Since Paul knew the generous and considerate nature of Philemon, Paul did not want to impose his authority on Philemon to welcome Onesimus but wanted him to do it willingly. So the ball was in Philemon’s court.

God’s Grace

On one hand, at the thought of impending punishments from his master, Onesimus was scared to return to Colossae but he knew God was with him; on the other, Philemon was fighting with his conscience struggling to reconcile with God’s grace. While Paul would be gladder than glad if Philemon freely forgave Onesimus, he also hoped to be released soon from prison so that by God’s grace he could pay a visit to Colossae. God is so kind and provident that he provided this platform – the opportunity for all the elements in the POP group to work for the glory of God and to continue to develop a strong faith in God and sincere love for God’s people

POPG - Grand finale

The POP Graciously played its part in upholding God’s glory. It is evident that this letter of Paul has its roots in the teachings of Jesus as reflected in the Book of Mathew, Chapter 5 verses 23 & 24 which say

  “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you….   leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.”


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