
Showing posts from September, 2020

Increase in Value by Bano Angami Kohima

  Increase in Value By Bano Angami Kohima Onesimus we all know now who he is. From his prison cell Paul shared the good news of Christ with this runaway, and God's dramatically increased his value. Suddenly this slave became "my son... very dear to me.... useful...a dear very heart" We who carry the love of God within us have the power to increase value from useless to useful, from slave to dear brother or sister. This is the joyous privilege of friendship in Christ.

Lessons Learnt by Neil Adam Momin

  Lessons Learnt by Neil Adam Momin As I was listening to the sermon this Sunday, the verse that kept coming to my mind was “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God”. I have learnt so many lessons from the three characters in the book of Philemon. From Onesimus: Many times I am like Onesimus – ungrateful, unfaithful, untruthful and unlawful. God had blessed me with so many things, yet many times I do things which are not pleasing to Him. There are times when I complain, grumble and lose faith. From Philemon: Philemon was in constant communion with God which enabled him to readily forgive Onesimus and accept him back. His forgiveness of a person who wronged him in every way is a reminder to me that even I need to learn to forgive not just my family or friends from church, but others I meet every day at work. This is one way to shine the light of Jesus. From Paul: Paul’s desire and priority was to honour God even in a difficult or unpleasant situation. He...

The POPG Situation by Allan and Farida

  The POPG Situation By Allan and Farida Situation : Philemon Understandably this Philemon was a rich person perhaps having a high standing in the society as well as in the commerce & industry community in the city of Colossae. Philemon had been converted and attained salvation through Paul owing to which Philemon should not forget the debts he owed to Paul. Situation : Onesimus Onesimus was engaged as a slave by Philemon (may be this term ‘slave’ has a different connotation then which perhaps is the equivalent of ‘hired professional’ in present day). Onesimus handled the business operations & transactions of his master - Philemon. Onesimus might have falsified the financial accounts and pilfered the stocks & assets of his master following which he fled to another country to avoid arrest and escape punishment (like the ‘Ones..’ that are still around today honing this kind of skill!). While in Rome he met Paul through whom he changed his heart and repented fo...